ParmaDrive™ HOME – Encrypted NAS

Self-Sovereign Google Drive-Like Private Serverand it solo mines Bitcoin

Stop paying Google/Apple to spy on your precious photos/videos/documents

What you get:

Personal Computer

The system is powered by a NEW mini PC intel N100 with 16GB RAM minimum, upgradable to a new i5/i7/i9 desktop with Glass panel and LED lighting. If choosing desktop, the hard drives will be placed inside, rather than having external hard drives. The casing can house up to 4 drives.



Massive External/Internal Hard drive, 8/TB/16TB/20TB (1x or 2x drives)

Probably enough for all your data now and well into the future

Extra Safety Option a second matching drive to make a RAID1 configuration. What’s that? The two drives are both connected and constantly in sync. If one drive fails, the other has a complete backup (Max upgrade available is 2 x 80TB RAID1).

These drives are ENCRYPTED, so if they are stolen, no one can access the data.


ParmaNas is part of Parmanode but only available with ParmaDrive. What is NAS? It stands for “Network Attached Storage”. Your home computers can all access the network drive using the graphical user interface. Below is a screen image of a Mac computer’s screen with a drive that appear to be connected to it, but it’s actually on a different machine in the house, the ParmaDrive computer. Files can be drag and dropped in an out allowing easy file transfer between all your home devices (requires password authentication to enable).

ParmaCloud (NextCloud)

Part of Parmanode but only with ParmaDrive purchases. What is it? This is a NextCloud container installed on the ParmaDrive machine giving your a Google Drive-like experience without the Google part. You can back up your personal files securely, and access them on any device whether you’re home or out over an (encrypted communication for privacy). A domain name is provided for your convenience, but you can use your own (

Your machine can serve your files to any device, even over Tor.

RemoteVault +/- ParmaSwap

ParmaSwap is a remote backup swap setup allowing you and another ParmaDrive owner of your choosing (eg friend, family, your work location) to dedicate a portion of the hardrive for automatic encrypted backups over an encrypted tunnel – while they do the same for you.

Your data is encrypted so the other person can’t see it, but you both trust eachother to protect the data from loss. This avoids the need to give your data to Google/Apple, and avoids forever fees. Of course you can request a fee or offer a fee to have data stored. The size allocation to offer or request is up to you.

Using ParmaSwap allows you to distribute your data loss risk geographically, assisting in a 3-2-1 backup system (see below).

You can also backup up your data (or offer) to more than one machine – it does not have to be 1:1.

ParmaSwap is configured for any ParmaDrive client on request, no extra fee.

Alternatively, if you have no one to swap with, you can use RemoteVault, a service to backup up your data to ParmaCentre (Parman’s datacentre), and involves a yearly fee.


If a theif takes your machine, they will have no way to read any data on your drives – not the internal drive nor the external drive. Everything is encrypted. When booting up, in the pre-boot phase, the machine can check its own location and if moved, will not auto-unlock, unless the password is manually entered. While in your home location, ParmaDrive can reboot and decrypt itself, but if moved, it will refuse. You can decline to have this feature, and it can be disabled from anywhere at any time, without access to the machine itself. How? Magic.

Bitcoin Node

You don’t need to buy/build a Bitcoin node if you have a ParmaDrive. The Parmanode software is installed with Bitcoin Core/Knotts (your choice), an Electrum Server (your choice of electrs, fulcrum, Electrum X), self-hosted Mempool.Space, a Lightning node or watchtower, and much more available (within Parmanode) on request at no extra charge.

Mempool Bitcoin Block explorer using your own Bitcoin node data

ParMiner – Solo Bitcoin Mining

Yes it mines bitcoin! You can become a solo Bitcoin miner going for the jackpot with your CPU.

Note this will only be enabled on desktop versions, the min PCs don’t have sufficient ventilation to do this.


For upgraded i5+ systems only. The extra power is need to avoid jumpy image streaming to your TV.
The movies can be home movies or purchased, in high definition.


WordPress LAMP Server. Normally $500 USD, included free. Use your own domain for a easy to deploy website, or use (free).

3 – 2 – 1 backup

“Three drives, two at home, one offsite”, the ultimate backup system.

You probably have precious data – this is the self hosted way to protect it. You would need a third drive which can be used for offsite backup, which involves syncing the home drives to the remote (third) drive either by physically bringing the drive home and syncing, then storing again, or backing up over a a network – This is a bespoke setup, discuss with Parman to arrange.

Proton Drive Desktop

You get a desktop icon, inside you NAS, allowing you to drag and drop files in to Proton Drive from any computer in your house, all why remaining completely encrypted – Proton cannot see your data.

The directories are mounted automatically at boot – no configuration is necessary from you.

There is a free plan for 2GB which will be setup for you, and you can upgrade later if you want, or, for more cost effective storage, see what’s coming soon below…

Parmanent Recovery Plan (coming soon)

Your 16TB drive is backed up to Parman’s datacentre, encrypted before it gets there, and is stored encrypted. Back ups are performed daily.

Recovery involves download on demand, or physical delivery (extra cost).

Bespoke build – Wen Lambo?

The standard case is pretty nice, but if you’ve always wanted a Lambo, I can be of service. You want one, it’s OK.

Support by Parman

The system is customised, configured to your needs, and support is provided by Parman personally.
Video consultation to make initial setup a breeze.

Express Shipping Worldwide (FREE)

What you don’t get

  • Scammed

NEW mini PC intel N100 with 16GB RAM minimum, 16 TB ext hard drive.
$1250 USD (16TB)

Swap New mini PC –> to a Desktop
— NEW Intel i5/i7/i9 desktop, with glass panal case and LED lighting add $600/$800/$1100 USD
— Intel i5 desktop (refurbished) add $225 USD
— Intel i7 desktop (refurbished) add $275 USD

Chip upgrade for NEW MiniPC
— i5 add $240 USD (minimum for plex/jellyfin)
— i7 (32GB RAM) add $430 USD
— i9 add $750 USD

Swap out 16TB drive for –> two identical drives in RAID1, or rsync, with docking station
— 2 x 8TB, add $100 USD
— 2 x 16TB, add $450 USD
— 2 x 20TB, add $1500 USD
— 2 x 24TB, add $1700 USD
— NEW!! 2 x 80TB, add $4800 USD (10 drives — each 80TB is made of 5 x 16TB in RAID0, then 2 x 80TB into RAID1, ie “RAIDception”)

Change 16TB drive to different size
— 1 x 2Tb SSD drive instead, SAVE $200 USD
— 1 x 8TB drive instead, SAVE $100 USD
— 1 x 20TB drive instead, add $450 USD
— 1 x 24TB drive instead, add $600 USD

LAMBORGHINI CASE — contact Parman to discuss the build and how much bling you “need”.

3-2-1 offsite backup

This involves a backup at home, plus one offsite.
Note, RAID1 gives redundancy, but it doesn’t count as a backup even though there are two drives. You can still lose data with accidental deletion. Insead the second drive needs to be synced periodically to the first drive. Then, a thrid offsite. This makes a full 3-2-1 backup system. You can still choose to do RAID1 if that’s your preference.

— Discuss with Parman for options and price to set up.

*Includes some limited tech support . For extra education, please consider applying for mentorship, or booking a video session.